
Buyer Legends Resources

Feel free to use any of this material to begin implementing Buyer Legends in your organization.  Please share your Buyer Legends success and your struggles with us so they can help others.

If you have questions or would like to leverage our expertise to implement Buyer Legends you can explore our services or just contact us.

Please share any of these resources with those you think would benefit as well.

Download Brad’s Legend that was used to develop the Buyer Legends: The Executive Storytellers Guide

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  • Watch Bryan Eisenberg with Ammon Jones on this ISOOSI Hangout.  Bryan discusses how Amazon and Apple have created brand legends, and how to remain customer focused in your marketing.


  • Listen to Jeffrey Eisenberg’s interview on Leadspace radio. Jeffrey discusses the inherent problem with lead scoring and how simply responding to leads quicker will increase conversion.

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What we can offer you

Speak at Your Event

We can speak at your event. Our fees are $20,000 in North America, and that includes travel. International fees are $20,000 plus business class travel, from Austin, and lodging. Contact us to discuss your event  


We kick-off the workshop with a two-day onsite visit. We help you create the Four Pillar foundation for your organization. The entire process takes between 4-8 weeks and the typical investment is $30,000 – $100,000.

Four Pillars Ongoing Support

After our workshops, we work with only a few select clients. Your business must be committed to the Four Pillars (as described in Be Like Amazon) on a long-term basis .

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