There’s a story currently being told to business people where storytelling is the hero, the dragon slayer. It’s a sappy little story with a cliched happy ending. You know it, after slaying the dragon the business lives happily ever. Lots of stories end that way.
Just like Santa Claus won’t make your holiday magical storytelling alone will not guarantee your success.
Storytelling is the most powerful communications tool ever and it’s worth mastering.
There are three ways to leverage storytelling to create a happy ending for your business:
ONE: Tell stories to make emotional connections with customers
This is what most marketers think of when they think about storytelling. Of course we suggest you always make the customer the hero of your story, pay attention to Michael Hinshaw over at CMO.com who tells us that customer experience is emotional. In a post over at Medium.com Jamie Carracher offers a nice primer on how to make your storytelling efforts accountable.
TWO: Tell stories to rally the troops.
All great leaders are great communicators, and great leaders understand how to use the power of a story to motivate, encourage, teach, and inspire their team. Carol Goman at Forbes does a good job explaining why leaders should leverage the power of story.
THREE: Tell Buyer Legend stories to delight customers and convert more sales
Once a leader inspires her team, and a marketer makes an emotional connection with customers can they deliver on the promises made? Buyer Legends are a brand new type of story, told from the perspective of customers, that help companies become customer focused, data-driven and managed by a common narrative to deliver on those promises made to customers. Businesses use them to improve the entire experience from attraction to conversion funnels, sales funnels, and to delight the customer when they interact with the brand. A decent Buyer Legend story documents what that experience is currently. A great Buyer Legend story tells you exactly to optimize that experience. Buyer Legends are created in story form in order to bridge the empathy gap between company and customer; what Bain & Co calls the Delivery Gap. Tell a great Buyer Legend and a team will know how to design, execute, and test new and improved customer experiences.
We wish your business a happy ending and encourage you to use storytelling.
Happy holidays!