This used rocking chair is available for $55,000 + shipping
I sent my friend, Tom Grimes, Amazon’s New Bricks-and-Mortar Bookstore Nails What the Web Couldn’t. In reply he wrote me:
My son Zack went to Tennessee to carve a rocking chair.
He’s into that sort of thing.
When all is said and done he is going to have hours and hours and a couple of thousand dollars invested in his chair.
You can buy a rocking chair at most Cracker Barrels for less than $200.
The man teaching the class made the observation that if they actually were interested in selling their chairs … they couldn’t sell a chair.They were selling ART.And when people buy ART … they are buying the STORY that is wrapped around it.What does this have to do with AMAZON?When I went through the article I thought … Amazon is selling the stories in the books with stories about the books.They are providing a satisfying way to find a book that fits amidst the almost limitless number of books you can get.That Bezos’ guy is a clever guy.
Tom Grimes is a clever guy too. He recognized why Amazon will succeed in retail. Amazon’s is showing that curation and presentation remain the primary reasons for retail to exist. They’re just showing the world what happens when bookstores go through a digital transformation of the customer experience.
What retail categories do you think are ripe for digital transformation?
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