Amazon will be offering the Kindle version of our book for free. Please let your friends and colleagues know that they can get their copy of Buyer Legends: The Executive Storyteller’s Guide.
Amazon will be offering the Kindle version of our book for free. Please let your friends and colleagues know that they can get their copy of Buyer Legends: The Executive Storyteller’s Guide.
We can speak at your event. Our fees are $20,000 in North America, and that includes travel. International fees are $20,000 plus business class travel, from Austin, and lodging. Contact us to discuss your event
We kick-off the workshop with a two-day onsite visit. We help you create the Four Pillar foundation for your organization. The entire process takes between 4-8 weeks and the typical investment is $30,000 – $100,000.
After our workshops, we work with only a few select clients. Your business must be committed to the Four Pillars (as described in Be Like Amazon) on a long-term basis .