The Buyer Legends book is your best guide to creating a quick Buyer Legend. There are even more in-depth instructions in our posts that you’ll find in the Recipes For Practical Customer Experience & Optimization.Design series.

What you’ll need to write a Buyer Legend:

You can prove to yourself how powerful Buyer Legends are in under two hours.

The 5 step Buyer Legend process:

  1. Select your perspective – remember that deeper insights produce better results
  2. Perform a pre-mortem – remember Murphy’s Law, if something can go wrong it will so plan for what might go wrong
  3. Outline the story backwards – this forces the why of the previous chronological step and it helps you measure the steps afterwards
  4. Draft the Buyer Legend – the better the story the more money you’ll make by improving execution, communications and testing
  5. Execute – improve, rinse and repeat

The 10 essential ingredients of a Buyer Legend:

  1. The personas
  2. The persona’s purpose & objective
  3. The persona’s rationale
  4. The persona’s key decisions
  5. A pre-mortem for the persona’s buying journey
  6. The persona’s drama (emotional struggles)
  7. A reverse chronology of the persona’s buying journey
  8. The persona’s constraints & considerations
  9. The persona’s reasonable alternatives
  10. Measurement of the Buyer Legend in the real world

Making the Buyer Legend remarkable:

Please keep in mind that Word-of-mouth is triggered only when your customer experiences something far beyond what was expected, for better or for worse. Slightly exceeding their expectations just won’t do it. So incorporate the remarkable into your customer experience.

There are four ways you can be remarkable:

  1. Architectural – the way it is built is remarkable, think about how beautiful Apple’s packaging and products are
  2. Kinetic – when the performance is exceptional, think about how Google dominates search by providing relevant search rrsults
  3. Generosity – the way you exceed customers expectations with unexpected add ons or large portion sizes
  4. Identity – the way you build a connection so that people think of you as part of their tribe

With Buyer Legends you will:

  • Improve communications. Your whole team will “get it”, they will see and understand the bigger picture.
  • Improve execution. You will turn big directives into purposeful and more effective actions
  • Improve testing. You will understand how to plan and implement more effective tests
  • Make more money. You will see improved conversion rates that make the up-front planning worth the time and effort

We encourage you and highly recommend that you try this yourself, but if you need help, please let us know.